Why choose made to order?

Choosing our made-to-order service helps us avoid waste and ensures you receive a unique, 100% handmade piece. Plus, we reward you for your patience and commitment to sustainability with this personalized option by offering a 20% off your first made to order pair. Simply add code MADETOORDER20 at checkout.

How long does it take to receive my made to order shoes?

After placing your order in approximately 2-4 weeks you will get your special shoes.

What if I want the shoes in a different color or different leather?

You're in luck, we might be able to help you! Send us an e-mail at info@lejerboutique.com with the details on the color and leather you would like and we will try to find something similar.

How do I know if the shoes are right for my feet?

All our shoes use special forms, with a slightly wider toe box, which will fit from medium to slightly wider feet, depending on the form of the shoe last. Please make sure you check the measurement of our shoe lasts and compare them against your measurement, as depicted on our Shoes Fit page.

If you have any doubts about the measurements, our team will be happy to consult you, please send us an e-mail at info@lejerboutique.com.

What if after receiving my shoes I realize that they are not a good fit?

This should not happen, as we will be in contact with you to understand your exact feet measurements. If however when you receive the shoes and you are not satisfied with them, we will work together in finding the best solution for you. Either adjust the pair or reimburse fully the purchased price.
